April 24, 2006

Who wants a Whole New Mind?

Book Reviews


I have an autographed copy of the book by Dan Pink. I’ll give it away for FREE to a randomly chosen reader who emails or comments how they found out about this blog. Send your email or post your comment by noon, eastern time on Friday 4/28.A Whole New Mind

A Whole New Mind is about how economic changes make “right brain” qualities more important than they have ever been for success. This is in contrast to recent history when “left brain” stuff has been sufficient.

This is why a $3 toilet brush must be not only sourced and marketed cheaply (left brain accounting skills) but also well designed (right brain creativity) if it’s going to sell. It’s also why spirituality and happiness (right brain qualities) are as important in career decisions as retirement packages and salary (left brain).

And it explains that, in Pink’s words “seeing the big picture is fast becoming the killer app in business.” In other words, entreprenuers who understand the interrelatedness of the systems in their companies (right brain) do better than ones who don’t get the relationships that make the whole bigger than the sum of the parts.

More than just explanation, the book has exercises and examples. Dan is a prescient writer who frequently sees trends before they’re well known.


  • The world is changing and new skills are needed to succeed.
  • Use this book as a way to expand your own skills, reach new markets and build a better team of employees

Dan will also be a keynote speaker at the 11th annual International Coach Federation conference Nov. 1-4, 2006 in St. Louis. If you have any interest in coaching, or just want to see Dan in person, meet me at the arch.

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About the author 

John Seiffer

I've been an entrepreneur since we were called Business Owners. I opened my first company in 1979 - the only one that ever lost money. In 1994 I started coaching other business owners dealing with the struggles of growth. In 1998 I became the third President of the International Coach Federation. (That's a story for another day.) Coaching just the owners wasn't enough for some. So I began to do organizational coaching as well. Now I don't have time to work with as many companies as I'd like, so I've packaged my techniques into this Virtual CEO Boot Camp.

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  1. I may actually have to buy this book. Found out about it through an ICF e-mail news brief.

    Look forward to hearing you at the conference.

  2. I just read an ICF announcement about this giveaway. Always want to learn new skills and make a difference with my clients.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!

  3. I found out about this offer through an ICF email newsletter. I’ve been a big fan of Dan Pink for several years now. He spoke for our FastCompany Company of Friends group a few years back — he was a huge hit, great speaker. I’d love to see his new book!

  4. Hi John! I heard about this blog via the ICF special announcement. After reading the summary about the book and speaker, I’m even more excited about attending the conference! I look forward to meeting you, Dan and many other ICF members! Thanks! Kelly

  5. I heard about this through the ICF announcement, and hope to be lucky on this one! I’m a recovering hardcore left-brainer, and love the perspective of integration this book offers!

  6. I just read the ICF special announcement and would love to ‘win’ a great book! I’ve known about Dan Pink for quite some time and his concepts are embraced by many coaches. It would be a treat to read this book. Thanks! Marion

  7. Another wonderful way that the ICF newsletter keeps us informed and in the loop!
    thanks, Maya Balle

  8. Oh, Thanks for this reminder John. I looked at this book once before and meant to get it. When I read about it in my ICF newsletter today I immediately remembered. Perhaps I’ll win it, if not I certainly will own it. Looking forward to hearing Dan Pink at the conference.

  9. Hi John,

    How nice to promote a book on systems. I need that right now!

    I heard about the book from an e-mail on the ICF e-mail today!

  10. This resonates with how we see our businesses in reaching clients who are innovators and early adopters, building in processes that involve the whole person. Thanks to the ICF for continuing to stay on the cutting edge and keeping us informed.

  11. Receive the ICF announcement about Dan Pink being one of the speakers at the convention. Dan has been involved in interesting work his entire life and this book is no exception.

  12. ICF announcement. A whole new mind would be a great paradigm shift- personally and globally.
    Thanks for your offer.
    Nancy L

  13. I just read the ICF newsletter and clicked over to your site. Looking forward to hearing you at the conference!

  14. Congratulations on producing this book and on this clever way to promote its existence through some innovative marketing.

    I trust people will pick up your inititiative and buy this book. I would love to read it.

  15. I heard about the book/blog from the ICF announcement, the right/left brain discussion comes up on a regular basis with my clients, if I don’t win I’ll have to buy the book at the conference!

  16. I found out about this blog from an ICF notice received on 5/2/06. I attended the ICF Virtual Community meeting when Dan Pink was the guest speaker. It was an excellent meeting and I am looking forward to being in his presence again in November at the ICF conference in St. Louis. I learned lots the last time I heard him speak…I know I’ll learn even more from him at ICF.

  17. I heard about the drawing through the ICF’s special announcement. I’ve read FREE AGENT NATION and think Pink is right on the money in that one, so I don’t want to miss his latest and greatest work!

  18. I heard about this book through the ICF newsletter – much thanks for highlighting this information.

  19. Heard about it from ICF too.
    I have several “right brained” family members. I would love to learn all the wonderful things these guys have to offer and how will they rule the future!

  20. I received this notification as a new member of ICF.
    I look forward to registering for the conference.

  21. I heard about this book through and ICF briefing. Sounds like a keynote I won’t miss at the conferenc this year.

  22. Have read the book, from the library, and heard Dan Pink speak. Heard about the give away from the ICF announcement, hope to add the autographed copy to my library. Thanks for the offer. Great way to get people to come to your blog.

  23. I love Dan Pink’s work, and I open to allowing a free copy to come my way. Blessings now! DP Waldman, PCC, CPCC

  24. Hi,
    Just joined the ICF and you are in the first news email I recieved. I would love to renew my mind. I know this is the most powerful action I can take. What a great book title and more than that a plan for life.

    The time is right for this book to become a best seller.

  25. received this morning ICF special announcement and your generous blog offer. Would love to read the book and see whether it can be translated into German.
    It is indeed high time that the subject is presented to large group of responsible people


  26. Thank you for drawing our attention to this book. It is a major theme I am concerned about to make the benefits of wholistic approaches obvious to ‘left-brain’ people…
    I found your blogg through a special ICF announcement.

  27. Received ICF email and was curious, so here is my response. I am always interested to read about how our thinking impacts our behaviours…and how we can change after becoming aware! Wildly curious to read Dan Pink’s latest views.

  28. Heard about this wonderful book through an ICF announcement. Sounds very interesting and as I am a very curious person and always love to expand my own skills this book will definitively come onto my “must read” list.
    All the best from Germany.

  29. What a difference an e-mail from ICF makes! 😉 That’s where I heard about your blog… I will check it out.


  30. What a great book! I really need this book. I do coaching and organization effectiveness consulting for Air Force Space Command in Cape Canaveral. Pink’s book says what I keep explaining. Thank you:)

  31. I found out about this through the ICF. Sounds like a must-have book that will help develop amazing leaders. I think employees have known this intuitively for a while, and are often disspointed by company leaders who haven’t yet figured it out. Thanks for writing it out!

  32. I found out about your blog and this contest for the book through the ICF. I’ve often spoken to my clients and with larger groups about understanding Context as a key element of effective leadership. Sounds like this book expands on that concept with a mix of science and art. Hope I win the book!

  33. Found out about this through the ICF newsletter. Looking forward to hearing Dan at the conference!

  34. ICF’s newsletter was the inspirator to join this lottery!
    Any book that can excell my knowlegde in the sphere of leadership and my coaching-skills are of high priority for me. I don’t know D. Pink, and would love to be inspired by him.
    Best regards,
    Kristin Schage

  35. Hi! The book sounds wonderful. I hear about it in the diploma course on coaching I am doing at Erickson College in Vancouver and again in the ICF email about the 2006 international conference. I think it’s going to be heavily in demand 🙂 Helena

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