March 18, 2007

Increased Wine Sales 1,200% (Twelve fold) in 2 years by Blogging

Attitudes, Business Ideas, Sales & Marketing


grapesMy natural inclination is to believe the facts but disbelieve the story. That is, I usually think there are explanations (perhaps luck, perhaps existing trends) that people don’t give enough credit to. Instead they tend to assume that everything good that happened was caused by something that they did.

Even with that caveat, Hugh MacLeod’s explanation is impressive.

Note: The picture is from the Stormhoek Blog


  • Know the market you’re in (see Hugh’s #10).
  • Marketing can become a conversation not a lecture. The implications of that are huge.
  • The differences can appear subtle yet have amazing impact.
  • How it applies to you and your market will probably be very different from how it applies to anyone else (even your competitors).
  • That means you kind of have to make it up. But you have to get the subtlety / amazing impact connection to do it well.
  • Granted these are not just takeaways from that one post but from a lot of what I’ve been reading on Hugh’s blog and Seth Godin’s.

[Update: The hyperbole is mine not Hugh’s. I knew that. Check out Hugh’s comment here]
[tags] entrepreneur, marketing, web 2.0, blogging, small business [/tags]

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About the author 

John Seiffer

I've been an entrepreneur since we were called Business Owners. I opened my first company in 1979 - the only one that ever lost money. In 1994 I started coaching other business owners dealing with the struggles of growth. In 1998 I became the third President of the International Coach Federation. (That's a story for another day.) Coaching just the owners wasn't enough for some. So I began to do organizational coaching as well. Now I don't have time to work with as many companies as I'd like, so I've packaged my techniques into this Virtual CEO Boot Camp.

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  1. Well, 1200% might be a bit of a stretch. The last few weeks have been amazingly good ones. Whether our luck will hold at this level remains to be seen.

    Secondly, it was team effort. And most of the really hard work was done offline. But the online stuff informed the offline stuff in a big way.

    Thanks for the kind words, regardless =)

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