You know those great ideas you get in the shower? Or sometimes in the middle of the night? It's because your non-conscious mind is noodling on something while your conscious mind is otherwise engaged. It's also happens for some people when you're driving. Here are some tips to maximize that benefit.
Tip #1 Have a Way to Capture Those Ideas
I can talk to my phone and say "Note to Self" and it will send me an email with whatever I say after that. For longer stuff, the Google Keep app does a pretty good job of transcribing what I say into text. It helps to review it pretty quickly (after you've parked the car) because it does make some mistakes. Then, there's always pencil and paper or making divots on clay tablets if that's more your style. And if it really can't wait till you get out of the shower, get this waterproof pad and pencil.
The point is don't let those ideas get away. They won't all be good ones - but some will.
Tip #2 Give Your Subconscious an Assignment
Tell it exactly what to work on, before you go to sleep. Think of a situation then drift off peacefully knowing you've delegated the task to your non-conscious mind. Since it also works for me in the car, I've found if I go for a drive after an important meeting or client session, I often get follow up ideas regarding what we just talked about. So I try to plan drive time into my schedule at key times. And be ready to capture those ideas.
Tip #3 Use the Holidays
I'm writing this on December 21 and most people are winding down for the next week or so. This is when we get busy with family and some of the other reasons we work so hard the rest of the year. But why not give your subconscious an assignment over the holidays? As you leave work, pick one thing you want it to work on over the break. Then be ready to capture those ideas as they happen. Just before you go back to work, spend 10 minutes consolidating what you came up with.
Let me know how it goes in the comments below.
I wish you and yours a Merry, Happy & Joyous time.