April 6, 2011

50+ Employees

Business Ideas, Uncategorized


Can you go away for a week? A month? As your firm grows beyond 50 employees the CEO spends less time dealing with day to day situations and more time planning for the future.

That means you need systems and managers in place to deal with the ongoing operations and keep them up to the standards that have got your company where it is. In other words, the wisdom and experience that you’ve developed can’t just live in people’s heads. It has to be transferred throughout the company.

The way to do that is by having standardized processes for routine tasks. This must be done in a way that doesn’t burden people with needless bureaucracy. You should also allow for new ideas to arise and be incorporated into the systems quickly.

But what about your job? As CEO you’ll now have time to focus on the more strategic aspects of growing the company.

  • Looking toward new products and new markets
  • Deepening relationships within your industry
  • Improving relationships with vendors

Programs I have that help with this include:

  • Coaching to focus on building your CEO Skill Set.
  • 48 Point systems assessment to determine which systems in your company are functioning well and which need shoring up.

Would you like to Learn More?

Call me. 203-775-6676. I’m on eastern time. Or shoot me an email: john@betterceo.com.

Let me know what questions you have and we’ll see if it makes sense for us to work together.

John Seiffer, Business Advisor

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About the author 

John Seiffer

I've been an entrepreneur since we were called Business Owners. I opened my first company in 1979 - the only one that ever lost money. In 1994 I started coaching other business owners dealing with the struggles of growth. In 1998 I became the third President of the International Coach Federation. (That's a story for another day.) Coaching just the owners wasn't enough for some. So I began to do organizational coaching as well. Now I don't have time to work with as many companies as I'd like, so I've packaged my techniques into this Virtual CEO Boot Camp.

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